1What is the difference between ProGUARD and WallGUARD?
ANSWER: ProGUARD is a non-structural concrete insulated sheathing panel with a ¼” Util-A-Crete® concrete backboard laminated to either EPS or XPS foam of varying thicknesses. ProGUARD should only be used below grade when faced with an additional finish. The concrete backerboard requires some type of finish applied to it such as: stucco, light stone, siding, etc… WallGUARD is a concrete faced insulated perimeter wall panel that consists of either 2” or 3” XPS foam and a 5/16” latex-modified concrete facing with a broomed finish. WallGUARD is designed to be used below grade and above grade, normally 2’ below the grade line and 2’ above grade, around the rim joist or slab edge. The latex-modified concrete facing does not require additional finish but it can be painted with a latex outdoor paint if so desired.
2How do I become an approved LightGUARD/HeavyGUARD contractor/installer?
ANSWER: Contact the Sales Agent that covers your geographic area (see Agent Map). Your agent can then provide you with the application and assist you with beginning the approval process for becoming an approved contractor/installer.
3Will cracks in the concrete surface of LightGUARD, HeavyGUARD or WallGUARD affect their performance or warranty?
If the cracks are contained to the latex modified concrete surface they are cosmetic only and will not affect performance or our warranty. Due to the nature of the product it is not uncommon for cracks to develop in the concrete surface, but as long as the crack(s) doesn't extend into the Styrofoam they will not affect the performance characteristics of the product(s). The latex modified concrete mixture we use doesn't allow for water intrusion laterally inside the crack so it will not expand during freeze thaw cycles. For more information see our Technical Note 97.10, 98.11 and our installation guide 4.3.2 in our LightGUARD/HeavyGUARD PMR Technical Binder under the Product Spec's on our Architects page .
4What is the solar reflectance index (SRI) for LightGUARD/HeavyGUARD PMR panels?
The standard gray concrete LightGUARD and/or HeavyGUARD panels have a solar reflectance of 0.27 and an solar reflectance index (SRI) of 28.
5If efflorescence occurs, will it go away?
The latex modified concrete facing will dry and the efflorescence will go away. These deposits occur when water reaches and dissolves soluble salts within the wall, migrates to the surface, and evaporates.
6If your panels are not marketed for aesthetics, what should an end user expect when receiving and using your latex-modified concrete topped panels?
T. Clears latex modified concrete faced/topped panels are designed to protect and insulate, whether your roof membrane or your foundation/waterproofing. If you want an even consistent finish you will need to coat the panels on site with a quality masonry paint or coating. In order to achieve the long term performance at the light weight and affordable cost there are certain aesthetic trade-off's that are inherent to the product. Please see the document below titled T. Clear Panel Performance & Expectations for more detailed information.
7How can I get samples of your products?
Easiest method is to go to Samples & Literature tab on the website and request from there. Our LG, HG and WG samples are 4" x 4" and our ProGUARD and TDRY are 5" x 5". Please note the label on our samples as they are only a 4" section cut out of a full panel (see SAMPLE LABEL PICTURE below).
8Are LightGUARD and HeavyGUARD PMR panels resistant to hail?
In independent testing, LightGUARD PMR resisted the impact of 2” ice spheres and HeavyGUARD 3 ½” ice spheres with no damage to the roof membrane below it.
9How do I become a certified ProGUARD contractor/installer?
There is no certification process required to install ProGUARD Concrete Insulated Sheathing. Simply click on the Technical section tab, Product Specs and ProGUARD Installation and Specifications tab. Download or review the ProGUARD Guide Specification and Installation - TDS 5.0. This covers all facets of the installation process. Any other questions before or during installation feel free to give us a call at 800-544-6398.